Our physicians are board certified and highly trained to diagnose and treat medical issues that occur in the complex visual system. These treatments involve both medical and surgical solutions, and include a thorough examination and diagnosis using state-of-the-art equipment and procedures.
The retina is the light-sensitive area found in the back portion of the eye. The light-sensitive cells found in the macula provides us with detailed vision. When the eye is healthy, those images are focused onto the retina which converts them into electrical signals that are sent to the brain.
The vitreous body of the eye is a clear gel found in the space between the lens and the retina. All of these components that make vision possible are subject to disease or conditions that can lead to visual impairment or blindness, which is why early detection and treatment are so important.
The medical treatments performed by our specialists are extremely delicate and exacting. Our medical specialists treat a wide range of conditions of the retina and vitreous ranging from age-related macular degeneration to retinal detachment.
Our physicians are respected experts in their field, please select from the navigation to learn more about our respected physicians and their experience.